I was first licensed around 1959 with the Novice call of WV2KAL and operated 40M CW using a 6L6 transmitter

and an ARC-5 receiver.

In 1960, I upgraded to Technician Class and was issued WA2KAL. I operated mainly Six Meter AM with home brew

equipment. It consisted of a 6146 modulated by a pair of 6DQ5's running about 50 Watts output.

In 1973 I moved to Connecticut and was issued the call WA1WXV ( I never could think up any good phonetics).

I operated mostly 2 Meter and 432MHZ SSB and enjoyed VHF contesting with W1QK.  

Around 1987, I became interested in EME(Moonbounce) and operated it on 432 using a home-brew K2RIW design 

4CX250 amplifier and sixteen  K2RIW type 21 element yagiis.  Hurricane Andrew put and end to my EME activity.

In 1999, applied for and received the vanity call of K1PHG . It still amazes me that I was able to make my 

childhood dream of having my initials as my ham call come true from the Federal government for $13.00!

Today, I operate mainly on 75Meter and 160Meter AM. I enjoy building transmitters, both of vacuum tubes

and solid state design.

I look forward to working you soon; until then, 73, Peter.


You may e-mail me at k1phg@arrl.net

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